Past, Present, And Future

He hit all of his milestones early, if not, on time. He was speaking…until he wasn’t. Pediatrician number 2 said, “It’s just terrible two’s, he will grow out of it.” First appointment with pediatrician number three and we had several referrals in hand before exiting the building. On February 6, 2020, he was diagnosed. Like many others his diagnosis did not stop at autism; let’s add epilepsy and xyy chromosome to the mix. This doesn’t reveal all the diagnoses to date. None the less, we struggled. We struggled to find resources and support.

Our mission is to not only spread awareness through design but to show the world what it really feels like to be a neurodivergent. Spread acceptance, be who you are meant to be without judgement. Give parents, friends, teachers, caregivers something worth wearing to reveal the true meaning of different brain wiring.

As transparent as we can be at this point in time, we are on a mission far bigger than ourselves. This is not just a business, we plan to give back to the community. Before we can announce this bigger mission, we need to grow our community. Designing shirts is the first step of many on this planned adventure. We hope you stick around, share your story, and see what we have planned for the future.

One person stated, that the T-shirts on the market were designed a certain way to appeal to those individuals on the spectrum, not to people who would be wearing them. This was heartbreaking to hear because we know that not everyone in the neurodiverse is created the same. Why should the shirts be? There are children, adults, grandparents on the spectrum, husbands, wives, and geniuses. You mean to tell me that everyone who is neurodivergent love these childish zoo animal decorated puzzle piece (which isn’t even the correct symbol for autism)? False! This is an issue. Schools are celebrating neurodiversity, but where are the facts? Many by this point are aware that autism exists but they don’t know what it means or even how it feels. Do you know what it’s like to have to live on a planet and hide who you really are? Have to mask to fit in? Go through extensive training on how to be human on this planet?